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APRIL 29, 2023


w/Lilyan Kauffman




JULIA KOLCHINCSKY DASBACH emigrated from Dnipro, Ukraine as a Jewish refugee in 1993, when she was six years old. She is the author of three poetry collections: The Many Names for Mother, winner the Wick Poetry Prize (Kent State University Press, 2019), finalist for the Jewish Book Award, Don't Touch the Bones (Lost Horse Press, 2020), winner of the 2019 Idaho Poetry Prize, and 40 WEEKS, forthcoming from YesYes Books in February 2023. Her recent poems have appeared in POETRY, Ploughshares, American Poetry Review, and Southern Humanities Review, among others. She has published nonfiction in Brevity, Shenandoah, and GrubStreet. Julia holds an MFA from the University of Oregon and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory from the University of Pennsylvania. Her dissertation, Lyric Witness: Intergenerational (Re)collection of the Holocaust in Contemporary American Poetry, pays particular attention to the underrepresented atrocity in the former Soviet territories. Julia is the author of the model poem for "Dear Ukraine": A Global Community Poem. She is the Murphy Fellow and Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Hendrix College and lives in Little Rock, Arkansas with her two kids, cat, dog, and husband.


LILYAN KAUFFMAN is tired. She currently works for The Central Arkansas Library System curating the gently read book selection for the Galleries and Bookstore at Library Square. She is a lifelong literacy advocate who enjoys irreverent humor and spending time with her daughter, Evelyn and two cats in Little Rock.





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